
"But i never told you what i should had said no i never told you, i just held it in."



it's been 7 months time passes so fast. and i realised every one day before our monthsary bad things will always fall on us. we'll always argue and debate over the same things. we'll always always get so hot-headed and argue without hearing each other's explainations. it's always over the same things. i'm so tired. but, i'm really really happy together with you. you pamper and dote on me so much. you love me like no other. you place me first and i'm really thankful for that. i'm just so so blessed to have you. the things you would do for me. willing to do for me, sometimes leave me speechless.

today, yet another day before our monthsary, we're arguing again. today's the first time i said something i shouldn't. today's the worst day ever in 2014. today i felt something. because everytime you go hard on me, i'll wanna go hard on you too. till today, i just realised it. probably because i don't want any past to repeat, i don't want to go through any painful moments again, i don't want to lose myself in a relationship again.. getting so upset over it and climbing up all by myself. that's why i protect myself. that's why you often say my ego is very high. it's not a very pleasant day today. i'm supposed to meet you in awhile but yet again, war with my blood ones..

maybe all i only hope for is you to be more understanding. things can't always go ur way. things can't always be compromised but to give in and try to understand why. i know sometimes i talk without thinking, sometimes i may be at faults but the way you say things don't leave me happy and so of course i would wanna argue back. but i'm really blessed to have such boy who wanna fix things with me always. who wouldn't give up on me, on us. he who'll try his best always just to see a smile on my face, just to meet me. he who have many surprises always just because i love it. he who would always bring me to places just to satisfy my cravings. he who would just do anything, anything to see me happy. Happy 7th, just know i love you so even how much awful things i said earlier on. i don't mean it. i'm just mixed up.. so much emotions.. and i'm so sorry for whatever i've made you feel. i may not be the best, but i love you whole heartedly. a love like no other. thank you for trying so much earlier on just wanting to meet me. i love you baby.

i wish i can make you happier, i wish.